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  • JavaScript 程序查找形成回文的最少插入次数

    javascript 程序查找形成回文的最少插入次数




    const max = 1e5; // defining the upper limit 
    // function to find the minimum of two number as it is not present in the c language 
    function findMin(a, b){ 
       if(a < b){
          return a;
       } else{
           return b;
    // creating the function for finding the required answer we will make recursive calls to it 
    function findAns(str,start,end){
       // base condition
       if (start > end){
          return max;
       else if(start == end){
          return 0;
       else if (start == end - 1){
          if(str[start] == str[end]){
             return 0;
          else return 1;
       // check if both start and end characters are the same make calls on the basis of that 
       if(str[start] == str[end]){
          return findAns(str,start+1, end-1);
       } else{
           return 1+ findMin(findAns(str,start,end-1), findAns(str,start+1,end));
    // given inputs
    var str = "thisisthestring"; // given string
    console.log("The minimum number of insertions required to form the palindrome is: " + findAns(str,0,str.length-1));


    The minimum number of insertions required to form the palindrome is: 8


    上述代码的时间复杂度为 O(2^N),因为我们为每次插入进行选择,其中 N 是给定字符串的大小。




    const max = 1e5; // defining the upper limit 
    var memo = new Array(1005); // array to store the recursion results
    // function to find the minimum of two number as it is not present in the c language 
    function findMin(a, b){ 
       if(a < b){
          return a;
       } else{
          return b;
    // creating function for finding the required answer we will make recursive calls to it 
    function findAns(str,start,end){
       // base condition
       if (start > end){
          return max;
       else if(start == end){
           return 0;
       else if (start == end - 1){
          if(str[start] == str[end]){
             return 0;
          else return 1;
       if(memo[start][end] != -1){
          return memo[start][end];
       // check if both start and end characters are the same make calls on the basis of that 
        if(str[start] == str[end]){
           memo[start][end] =  findAns(str,start+1, end-1);
       } else{
          memo[start][end] = 1+ findMin(findAns(str,start,end-1), findAns(str,start+1,end));
       return memo[start][end];
    // given inputs
    var str = "thisisthestring"; // given string
    // initialzie the memo array 
    for(var i=0; i< 1005; i++){
       memo[i] = new Array(1005);
       for(var j = 0; j<1005; j++){
          memo[i][j] = -1;
    console.log("The minimum number of insertions required to form the palindrome is: " + findAns(str,0,str.length-1));


    The minimum number of insertions required to form the palindrome is: 8






    const max = 1e5; // defining the upper limit 
    var memo = new Array(1005); // array to store the recursion results
    // function to find the minimum of two number as it is not present in the c language 
    function findMin(a, b){ 
       if(a < b){
          return a;
       } else{
          return b;
    // creating a function for finding the required answer we will make recursive calls to it 
    function findAns(str, len){
       // filling the table by traversing over the string 
       for (var i = 1; i < len; i++){
          for (var start= 0, end = i; end < len; start++, end++){
             if(str[start] == str[end]){
                memo[start][end] = memo[start+1][end-1];
             } else{
                 memo[start][end] = 1 + findMin(memo[start][end-1], memo[start+1][end]);
           // return the minimum numbers of interstion required for the complete string 
       return memo[0][len-1];
    // given inputs
    var str = "thisisthestring"; // given string
    // initialzie the memo array 
    for(var i=0; i< 1005; i++){
       memo[i] = new Array(1005);
       for(var j = 0; j<1005; j++){
          memo[i][j] = 0;
    console.log("The minimum number of insertions required to form the palindrome is: " + findAns(str,str.length));


    The minimum number of insertions required to form the palindrome is: 8


    上面代码的时间复杂度是 O(N^2),因为我们在这里使用嵌套的 for 循环。



    在本教程中,我们使用 JavaScript 编程语言实现了从递归到记忆再到制表的三种方法,以查找使给定字符串成为回文所需的最小插入次数。回文是一个字符串,它正好等于它的反面,或者我们可以从前面或后面读取字符是相同的。


    码农资源网 » JavaScript 程序查找形成回文的最少插入次数
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